Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday Bronx Zoo

Its 8.45pm , I left for dinner , 130m away,at 6pm and I am just back. Dinner was delicious, but I dawdled. It was lovely sitting in the window watching the array of people pass by.  I had a glass of brouilly – a light French red that I  had never heard of. She was  very generous when she poured it.  Mind you, it is the third time I have been there. I also had desert. On the way back I stopped and talked to a guy who sits on the steps often of the building 1 away from me reading a book. I have watched everyone greet  him as they pass.  He is refered to as the mayor of W82. We talked for ages. He travels on his own, grew up in New York, is widely read and knowledgable about different parts of the world, is a software designer.

I had a lovely day at the Bronx Zoo. I caught an express bus there, wandered around for ages, did not always take notes or photos of signs so now have photos of unknown animals, just enjoyed watching the animals  play. They looked happy and content. I fell asleep on the subway on the way home. I woke with a start, looked around with no idea where we were or how long I’d been asleep for, a lady opposite me said ‘We’ve just past 125th street’ . Very thoughtful of her.

If you click on the photos, they will open up bigger.


Who is the peacock trying to impress?

Pere David's Deer

He was just waking up.

Must you take more photos of me?

Life's tough. Silvered Leaf  Monkeys

Nice kitty.

Camoflage of the snow leopard.

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