Saturday, May 24, 2008

3 days old

Lainie has long fingers and feet,

but is not always ready to wake up.

Wendy , Lach and Isla are planning on bringing Lainie home tomorrow so I am going back to my home.

Friday, May 23, 2008

2 days old

She does have eyes.

Lainie quite enjoyed her first bath.

Isla supervising from a safe distance.

Isla in a 'new' playground.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

1 day old

Much the same as yesterday - I still havenot seen her eyes.

Introduction of Claudi Cat - the next favourite after Puppy

Maybe my baby sister is OK.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lainie May

Lainie May was born at 2.30pm this afternoon - Wednesday. She is well - apparently she was exercising her lungs before even her feet were out. Isla was initially unsure - she and I arived an hour after Lainie was born. She preferred to watch TV sitting on Lach's lap. Isla brought Puppy with her and several times Puppy was interesed in Lainie. Isla and I went out for some food at 5 ish and she talked about Lainie a lot of the time. We left there at 6.30 ish got back here and Isla went straight to sleep after a bath.
Wendy and Lach are both happy and well.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I am in Sydney looking after my first granddaughter ( picture taken a few weeks ago) while my daughter and son-in-law are at the hospital giving birth to my second granddaughter! I hope later on today to put some photos here - an easier way than sending many attachments - but I wanted to remind myself of the necessary passwords, so this is a test.